The podcast

Welcome to the Working With Wildlife podcast where we embark on a thrilling exploration of the natural world through the eyes of Experts and Enthusiasts who both dedicate their lives to understanding and protecting it, and those who do it on the side of everything else. I'm your host Jaedon Lunt, and I am beyond excited to embark on this journey of discovery and understanding with each and every one of you. In each episode, we'll sit down with remarkable individuals who have first-hand experience navigating the wilderness, championing environmental causes, and researching the intricate web of life that surrounds us. Join us as we learn from their expertise, unravel the mysteries of nature, and gain invaluable insights into how they achieve the incredible feats that shape our understanding of this awe-inspiring planet. Get ready to be inspired, amazed, and encouraged to embark on your own adventure into the wonders of nature. So, let's set off on this thrilling expedition together and discover the boundless beauty that creation has to offer and the knowledge that those in it have found

Jaedon Lunt

To sum me up; I'm a young lad who loves the natural world, 4wding, and showing people that there is a way to better live life through an understanding of the natural world.

This podcast was birthed with the idea of a desire to hear the stories of the wildlife experts and enthusiasts around the world!


Jewel the Jungle jag

This is my featured snake Jewel. She is about 10 years old and has a gnarly nature. So far she has only eaten my finger once, but kissed me with her teeth multiple times..